Recommended process for implementing a BVCM pledge in a company

SBTi and Beyond value-chain mitigation (BVCM)

At Down to Earth we help SBTi companies to take specific action to deliver on their BVCM pledge by purchasing biochar carbon removal (BCR).

Jesper Backer Lemming

Emission reduction targets in the private sector are essential when addressing emissions within corporate value chains. These targets are consistent with the IPCC stating the need for deep emission reductions across all sectors to limit climate change (1).

The SBTi Corporate Net-Zero Standard provides guidance, criteria, and recommendations for companies to set 1.5°C aligned climate targets (2).

At the same time, reducing emissions is not enough.IPCC emphasizes that all the mitigation pathways likely to limit global warming include extensive use of carbon removal on the gigaton scale. All systems must combine deep decarbonizations with carbon removal approaches from natural and technology-based solutions. IPCC estimates the amount of carbon removal needed ranges from 5 to 16 Gigaton CO2 per year by 2050 (1).

When a company has set a net zero target SBTi recommends that companies go beyond their value chain and support actors who reduce or remove CO2 from the atmosphere to accelerate global progress towards net zero. This is where carbon removal comes into the picture. By purchasing durable carbon removal credits your company can take responsibility for its unabated emissions and also help the carbon removal industry grow to a relevant scale as referenced by the IPCC.

Specifically, SBTi proposes that the company sets an internal carbon price based on its scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, resulting in an annual reduction budget. Furthermore, they suggest that parts of this budget should be used to purchase existing removal solutions falling under BVCM, measured in tons of CO2e.

The goal behind the BVCM is to accelerate actions for emissions to peak by the mid-2020s and halve by 2030. Furthermore, increase funding for emerging climate solutions and supportive activities to catalyze the systemic changes required for global net zero by mid-century

BVCM Core Principals

The four BVCM principles are scale, financing need, co-benefits, and climate justice. The principals have been developed to suggest to companies how they could move towards high-impact and high-integrity BVCM activities and investments.

If you want to know more about Biochar Carbon Removal and how Down to Earth can help your company fulfill its BVCM pledge, give us a nudge!

(1) IPCC.(2023). Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). Cambridge University Press.
