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Cultura Bank

Cultura Bank aims for money to contribute to clean air, clean water, more justice, and a greater sense of community. By becoming a customer of Down to Earth, they've added carbon storage to this list. We are very proud to assist Cultura in further developing its sustainability efforts.

Sustainably Cultura provides loans to initiatives such as organic agriculture, eco-friendly housing, and projects that enhance the quality of life. There are significant synergies to be realized with carbon storage!

Cultura ranks at the top in the "Etisk Bankguide" (Ethical Bank Guide), a survey conducted by the Consumer Council, and "Framtiden i våre hender" (The Future in our Hands). This guide is a part of Fair Finance International, aiming to inform consumers and authorities about how banks approach ethics and sustainability. The bank has received the Eco-Lighthouse certification and is undergoing a climate footprint audit by BDO. Carbon storage through biochar is the cherry on top of Cultura's sustainability cake, and Down to Earth looks forward to further collaboration in the coming years.

Climate Impact

Cultura Bank has stored 3 Kg CO2 in soil

Carbon remover
Carbon remover