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Sparebanken Vest

Sparebanken Vest is acutely aware of its responsibility as a bank in arguably the most crucial decade for addressing the world's "code red" situation. The solutions developed in the Vestland region, which the world needs, create lasting value for the area.

Sparebanken Vest has set a goal to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040 - ten years ahead of other major companies and regions. They are pursuing this goal because finance is a driving force for catalyzing these changes, and there's a competitive advantage in being a step ahead.

"Time is not on our side - we know that bold leadership is required for our region, our customers, and our bank itself to pivot towards a more sustainable direction starting tomorrow."

  • from Sparebanken Vest's Sustainability Strategy

Sparebanken Vest invests in carbon storage to take responsibility for a portion of their 2022 emissions and to support a company rooted in a fjord in Vestland. In doing so, they are also helping to set the standard for a new kind of leadership in the climate fight.

"Sustainability represents one of our biggest business risks and opportunities. We aim to be one step ahead - to build lasting competitiveness."