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Remove as you sell

Engage your customers! You can integrate carbon removal into the price of your products and services through us. In this way, you demonstrate initiative in ways that create climate value and customer engagement.

We help you become an enabler - collaborating with your customers to accelerate the climate transition.

Many customers have successfully integrated carbon removal into their physical products or services. It's tangible and strengthens the brand. Experience shows that consumers often appreciate paying a little extra to help address climate challenges. It could be a climate-neutral coffee cup, one kilo of carbon removal per consultancy hour, or carbon offsetting for a piece of cheese. We're here to help with ideas!

The model is risk-free, as it's based on retrospective reporting. We ensure that carbon removal and storage happen within 12 months of ordering.

Ongoing carbon removal is in addition to our subscription model and is based on a pre-agreed price for certified and fully funded carbon removal through biochar.

We offer assistance in developing a customer involvement concept.

User-friendly monthly reporting of accumulated amounts.

Enhanced online profile with updated carbon removal figures.

Marketing materials for use in digital and physical platforms.

The right to use our mark for a climate-balanced product if the product has a third-party verified LCA.

Additional services:

Integration with POS services or professional systems."

Note: "LCA" typically stands for "Life Cycle Assessment," a method of assessing the environmental impact of a product or service throughout its lifecycle.